Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Attention Whores

To start this off, I'd like to say there are 2 types of attention: Positive attention and Negative attention.

Evvvvveryone seeks positive attention. Recognition for good grades, achieving goals, getting a new job. That's fine. That's natural. That's not what pisses me off. You're not an attention whore if you seek positive attention, you're just normal.

Now. Negative attention.

Everything I talk about, I talk about because either I myself have experienced it or I have dealt with people who have. Now, I used to be an attention whore... those who thrive off of ANY attention EVEN if it's negative and EVEN if they have to lower their standards & portray themselves in a negative way.

We ALL see the girls on Facebook who are half naked taking mirror pictures with their ass & titties spilling out. And we ALL see the 167 likes and 49 comments. That's NEGATIVE ATTENTION. Why would you bring that on yourself? You are so insecure that you feel the need to post revealing ass (pun possibly intended) pictures of yourself on the internet so creeper ass dudes that you don't even know can tell you how hot you are as they jizz on their computer screen? Cool life.

And some of you right now are thinking, "this girl is a hater..." lol and no... I'm not. I used to be one of those stupid girls & trust me... when you grow up and take a look at yourself and your past behavior you are going to be fucking embarrassed. But the worst part is, some never grow out of it. You'll be 27 years old participating in Titty Tuesday on Twitter. Re-evaluate your life.

Attention whores are the loudest, DEMAND the most attention, dress the most provocatively. Girl, what are you trying to over-compensate for? All the girls can see through that shit and the only reason dudes buy into it is because they know that the girls who are the most insecure are the easiest to fuck. You are making yourself bait. But hey, you probably like it.

Dumb bitches. But you know, whatever. Keep on doing what you do. See where you end up.

I'm gonna be over here dressing classy with a splash of trashy when I need attention. At least I can admit it. Right?

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