Friday, March 9, 2012

Why girls DON'T like nice guys

Along the same lines as "why girls like ass-holes" a similar question can be asked: why DON'T girls like nice guys?

Well, the simple answer is because all females are completely fucking crazy. Oh shut up girls, we are. You know it.

But I'm not going to just tell you the simple answer because that won't really help anyone. This blog post is going to be for girls who don't like nice/sweet guys and also for guys who ARE that nice guy, wondering why he can't get a girl.

Girls. You often ask, "Why can't I find a good guy!?" Um bitch, you have found a good guy, but chances are you put him in the friend zone. That's where all of the good guys we know reside.

Guys. Why are you in the friend-zone? Because you were not clear with your intentions from the beginning. If you meet a girl and feel that she is someone you would like to potentially date, then treat her like someone you would potentially date.... NOT a friend. Stupid.

Yes, yes I realize this has not yet answered why girls don't like nice guys, I just needed to address the friend zone first.

So. Now. Really: Why don't girls like nice guys?

Initially you need to play the game & you need to play it right. If we just met a guy and he is offering to take us to dinner right away, buying flowers, trying to take you to the movies, texting you "good morning :)" every fucking day, asking us all of these detailed questions about our lives......... we feel OVER-WHELMED. We don't even fucking KNOW you and you are trying to put all of this effort into us! BACK. THE. FUCK. OFF.

We don't like it because it's so pushy. You haven't given us a chance to even think about you in that way yet. You see, all girls are crazy. If we like a guy we create all these elaborate situations in our minds and fantasize about our first date, what we'll wear, how he'll kiss you, where we'll go. GIVE US A CHANCE TO BUILD YOU UP IN OUR OWN MINDS! If you haven't backed off at all we have no time to do this.

Just like men, women like the chase too. If you are too easy to get and too easily accessible then we don't get to chase at all and we inevitably lose interest. Being too "thirsty" to hang out with someone or get to know them shows that you don't have that much going on for yourself and you rely on others for your worth and meaning. Nooooooobody wants someone like that. That is a terrible recipe for clingyness/craziness.

One fundamental trait that the majority of "Nice Guys" lack is: CONFIDENCE!

You probably see yourself as a nice guy because you are showing interest and respecting the girl, and that's fine. But if you already know what you want it's okay to be aggressive. BUT. With that being said, you need to be aggressive at the correct moments, not aggressive overall. Timing is key.

So no. Girl's DON'T want guys who would bend over backwards for them & that we can walk all over like a door-mat. We are looking for our equal, our partner.

oh. yeah. and sometimes we just won't like you no matter how well you play the game. *shrug*

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