Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why girls like ass-holes.

If you have taken a general psychology class, you're probably familiar with the term "classical conditioning". If you haven't then I'll explain it really quickly, it's basically just a form of associative learning. For example, if you have the burner on the stove on and you touch it, you'll burn yourself. If you burn yourself once you probably won't do it again because you have associated the burner on the stove to being something that hurts you when you touch it.

Now. Let's take this same theory and apply it to why girls like assholes.

When you were little, if a boy was mean to you on the play-ground it generally meant he liked you, right? This boy was pretty damn mean, teasing you, throwing shit at you, knocking down your confidence!

"Mommy, why does Billy put dirt in my hair at recess?"
"Oh hunny, it sounds like Billy has a little crush on you."

-_- ........

We've been classically conditioned from a young age to believe that boys that are mean to us like us!!!


Because of this, all females are pretty much fucked up subconsciously. We love when guys ignore us, it makes us want their attention even more. If a guy is sweet to us, we get annoyed and want him to stop being so overly nice.

So then you might ask, "How do we stop being attracted to men that treat us badly?" Great question, when I figure that out... I'll let you know.

Until then, know your worth ladies! and if you like an ass-hole... well.. sorry. Oh-- and if you have a daughter-- save her the trouble and tell her that if a boy is mean to her he doesn't like her and she should stay away from him. Or throw dirt back at him... make sure some gets in his mouth... and call him a little bitch.

smh at you society.


  1. I love this! Though perhaps a far more interesting topic would be why do girls seem to be REPULSED by men that are nice?

  2. I have an answer to that as well, stay tuned. :)
